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Professional Indemnity Insurance

What is Professional Indemnity Insurance?

Professional indemnity insurance protects you against claims for loss or damage made by clients or third parties as a result of the impact of negligent services you provided or negligent advice you offered. Compensation claims can be brought against you even if you provided a service or offered advice for free.


Professional Indemnity(PI) Insurance will cover the following items to our “category A” members: 


Professional Liability

The insurer will pay ON BEHALF of the insured the loss which the Insured becomes legally liable to pay as a result of a Claim alleging an act, error or omission of the Insured in the provision of Professional Services specified in the Schedule.


Defence Cost

The insurer will also pay ON BEHALF of the Insured the defence costs incurred in respect of any claim covered under insuring clause 1 or under any applicable extension.

Defence Costs are subject to the excess and are included within the limit of liability specified in the schedule.

Insurer's designated legal representatives(panels): 

Kennedy Law’s
Howse Williams
Homs & Associates

Definition of “Professional Service”


Under the definition of the Sports Therapist Association of Hong Kong:  

  • Provision of sports therapy services in relations to sports massage, assessment, manual therapy, rehabilitation program and pitchside supports. 

  • Scope of Practice issued by STAoHK. 


Limited of Liability(Year 2024-25)


HK$10,000,000 for any one claim and

HK$20,000,000 in the aggregate(to be shared by all insured members)


Jurisdiction and Territorial Limit: Hong Kong/Asia-Pacific/Worldwide(excluding USA & Canada) - subject to members' choice.


Extension Clauses

  1. Loss of documents

  2. Defamation

  3. Joint ventures

  4. Vicarious liability

  5. Inquiries

  6. Automatic reinstatement

  7. Intellectual property rights(unintentional)

  8. Fraud and dishonesty(unintentional)

  9. Continuous cover

  10. Good Samaritan Acts



  1. Contractual liability and commercial risks

  2. Personal injury

  3. Property damage

  4. Intentional infringement of intellectual property

  5. Owners and occupiers liability

  6. Aircraft and watercraft

  7. War

  8. Terrorism

  9. Radiation and nuclear

  10. Pollution

  11. Licencing inquiries

  12. North America jurisdiction

  13. Penalties and punitive damages

Claims Procedures

1. When the insured(member) aware the claim or inquiry during the policy period, member must

   immediately notify in WRITING to the Association;

2. The Association will notify the insurer with all the facts provided by the member;

3. The insurer will take over the conduct of any investigation, settlement or defence of any claim.

Sports Therapists Association of Hong Kong


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©2024 by Sports Therapists Association of Hong Kong

Registered as Limited by Guarantee

under Company Ordinance(Cap. 622) of Hong Kong Law

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